Monday, September 14, 2009
但人却离了神, 堕落在罪恶里.
神爱世人, 差祂的独生子耶稣到世上, 受苦, 被钉在十字架上, 流下宝血洗净我们的罪. 使我们得自由.
凡信靠基督的, 都是新造的人.
救恩让我们能与上帝和好, 有盼望.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Teachers' Training
前两天我的部门 organised 了两天的 Teachers' Training。FYI,公司拥有大约三十多间幼儿园,所以来参与的老师人数有两百多人。我的工作就是 as a facilitator,不幸的,整个 team 只有四个人,所以必须跑上跑下、做这个做那个。。。
Hall 在三楼,上上下下搬运 training 的材料。几百年没运动的我算不错了啦,没断气!哈哈!
原来做 organiser 一点也不简单。很多事必须亲自做。比如搬桌椅。。。
training 时分派 notes 及 feedback forms。。。
tea break 或午餐要拿食物给 team mates...
又要帮 trainer 按 slides。我看我可以变成 octopus 了!哈! 哈!
终于结束了,赶快zaap shao mei! 不单要搬桌椅,还要拾垃圾!搞不懂为什么连老师们都爱乱丢垃圾???!!!真气人!
噢。。。幸好只是两天。。。不然真得会累死!下个星期还有另两天的Mandarin Teachers' Training!! Grace, 加油!加油!
Hall 在三楼,上上下下搬运 training 的材料。几百年没运动的我算不错了啦,没断气!哈哈!
原来做 organiser 一点也不简单。很多事必须亲自做。比如搬桌椅。。。
training 时分派 notes 及 feedback forms。。。
tea break 或午餐要拿食物给 team mates...
又要帮 trainer 按 slides。我看我可以变成 octopus 了!哈! 哈!
终于结束了,赶快zaap shao mei! 不单要搬桌椅,还要拾垃圾!搞不懂为什么连老师们都爱乱丢垃圾???!!!真气人!
噢。。。幸好只是两天。。。不然真得会累死!下个星期还有另两天的Mandarin Teachers' Training!! Grace, 加油!加油!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wall Stickers
最近迷上了wall stickers. 在网上看到很多超棒的patterns, 害我手痒痒, 很想要啊!! 可惜, 我是租房间的, 无法实现这个梦想. 不过, 我还是从网上买了两个...! 哈哈... Vincent 的房间会拿来做experiment, 如果好的话以后可买来送人当礼物.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
TGIGF > Thank God it's Good Friday
- 天亮时: 为犹太公会及彼拉多审判并定死罪 (路 22:66-23:25)
- 早晨: 罗马兵丁戏弄主(太27:27-23),耶稣被钉死在十字架上约上午九时到下午三时,以及他气绝时所发生的事(太27:31-56,可15:24-41,路23:26-49,约19:17-30)
- 六时前葬在墓中,有兵丁看守(太27:57-66)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
水果当晚餐 小心脂肪找上你
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Pay Slip - 让我欢喜 让我优
今天拿到 pay slip 很开心. 感谢主,出薪了!
过后算了一算,哇...怎么这里进那里就要出了! 每个月必须还的东西实在太多了,竟然超过一千块!! 哎哟... 也发现自己越来越会乱花钱. 难怪永远存不到钱... -_-!!
经过一番思考,决定每个月拿出一笔钱放进另一个银行户头,决不能碰!!! (去年曾经尝试但严重的失败~!!! Oh Nooo~!!!) 如今只准成功,不准失败! 要让自己每天只有RM16.40的零用钱可以花,包括买菜或买家常用品. 如果神允许的话,盼望在五年之内能够拥有自己的屋子!! 吔!!
过后算了一算,哇...怎么这里进那里就要出了! 每个月必须还的东西实在太多了,竟然超过一千块!! 哎哟... 也发现自己越来越会乱花钱. 难怪永远存不到钱... -_-!!
经过一番思考,决定每个月拿出一笔钱放进另一个银行户头,决不能碰!!! (去年曾经尝试但严重的失败~!!! Oh Nooo~!!!) 如今只准成功,不准失败! 要让自己每天只有RM16.40的零用钱可以花,包括买菜或买家常用品. 如果神允许的话,盼望在五年之内能够拥有自己的屋子!! 吔!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Music Festival 2009 (SBC)
Three of the most controversial yet relevant worship issues affecting Singapore and Malaysian churches are:
* Postmodernism
* Emerging Church Movement, and
* Worship that is transformational
In response to these issues, Singapore Bible College has invited Dr Jim Lemons to address the biblical, cultural, theological, and practical aspects of these topics. He is currently the director of the MA in Worship Leadership program at Dallas Baptist University. He also comes as a pastor addressing pastors, worship leaders and worshipers.
The 21st Century Transformational Worship Seminars will be held on 20-21 February at Singapore Bible College Lecture Theatre. The schedule is as follows:
* Feb 20 (Fri), 7:30 pm -9:30 pm - Practical Considerations in Transformational Worship
* Feb 21 (Sat), 9:30 am -1:00 pm - Transformational Worship in a Postmodern World and Transformational Worship and the Emerging Church
Please check our (website) for more information and for registration details.
For enquiries,
Phone Belle at 6559 1555 ext 7520
Singapore Bible College School of Church Music
Fax: 6559 1550
* Postmodernism
* Emerging Church Movement, and
* Worship that is transformational
In response to these issues, Singapore Bible College has invited Dr Jim Lemons to address the biblical, cultural, theological, and practical aspects of these topics. He is currently the director of the MA in Worship Leadership program at Dallas Baptist University. He also comes as a pastor addressing pastors, worship leaders and worshipers.
The 21st Century Transformational Worship Seminars will be held on 20-21 February at Singapore Bible College Lecture Theatre. The schedule is as follows:
* Feb 20 (Fri), 7:30 pm -9:30 pm - Practical Considerations in Transformational Worship
* Feb 21 (Sat), 9:30 am -1:00 pm - Transformational Worship in a Postmodern World and Transformational Worship and the Emerging Church
Please check our (website) for more information and for registration details.
For enquiries,
Phone Belle at 6559 1555 ext 7520
Singapore Bible College School of Church Music
Fax: 6559 1550
情 谊30
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Great Tips of buying Gardenia bread!!
Today received this interesting email... just want to share with u all.
When you go to buy bread in the grocery store, have you ever wondered which is the freshest, so you "squeeze" for freshness or softness.
Did you know that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week?
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday .
Each day has a different color twist tie.
They are :
Monday - Blue
Tuesday - Green
Thursday - Red
Friday - White
Saturday - Yellow
So if today is Thursday, you would want ! red twist tie not white which is Fridays. (almost a week old)!
The colors go alphabeti cally by color B lue - G reen - R ed - W hite - Y ellow, Monday thru Saturday. Very easy to remember.
Enjoy fresh bread when you buy bread with the right color on the day you are shopping.
When you go to buy bread in the grocery store, have you ever wondered which is the freshest, so you "squeeze" for freshness or softness.
Did you know that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week?
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday .
Each day has a different color twist tie.
They are :
Monday - Blue
Tuesday - Green
Thursday - Red
Friday - White
Saturday - Yellow
So if today is Thursday, you would want ! red twist tie not white which is Fridays. (almost a week old)!
The colors go alphabeti cally by color B lue - G reen - R ed - W hite - Y ellow, Monday thru Saturday. Very easy to remember.
Enjoy fresh bread when you buy bread with the right color on the day you are shopping.
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